Uber Case Study | Revolutionizing Transportation in the Face of Controversies | Business Case Study and future

uber case study

In the past decade, Uber has transformed the transportation industry, introducing a new business model that allows riders to hail a ride with a few taps on their mobile phones. However, the ride-hailing company has also faced its fair share of controversies, ranging from legal battles to scandals involving workplace culture and ethics. This case study will examine Uber’s business model, its growth over the years, the controversies it has faced, its response to those controversies, and the future of the company.

Uber’s Business Model

Uber is a ride-hailing company that operates through a mobile app. The app allows riders to request a ride, which is then matched with a nearby driver. The fare for the ride is automatically calculated based on the distance and time traveled, and the payment is made through the app. Uber takes a commission on each ride, with the rest going to the driver.

Uber’s Growth

Since its launch in 2009, Uber has expanded rapidly, operating in over 600 cities worldwide. In addition to its core ride-hailing service, Uber has also introduced other services, such as Uber Eats (food delivery), UberPool (carpooling), and UberX (low-cost rides). The company has also expanded into new industries, such as self-driving cars and air taxis.

Uber’s Controversies

Uber has faced numerous controversies over the years, ranging from legal battles to ethical concerns. One of the most notable controversies was the company’s dispute with taxi unions and regulators, who argued that Uber was operating illegally and undercutting their business. The company also faced legal battles over issues such as driver classification, accessibility for disabled passengers, and safety regulations.

In addition to legal battles, Uber also faced scandals involving workplace culture and ethics. In 2017, former Uber engineer Susan Fowler wrote a blog post detailing the company’s toxic workplace culture, which led to an internal investigation and the resignation of several top executives. The company also faced criticism for its handling of sexual harassment claims and the use of Greyball, a software tool used to evade law enforcement.

Uber’s Response to Controversies

In response to the controversies it faced, Uber has made significant changes to its policies and operations. The company has introduced new safety features, such as in-app emergency buttons and driver background checks. It has also improved its customer support and introduced new features to protect the privacy of riders and drivers.

Uber has also made changes to its workplace culture, including the introduction of new diversity and inclusion programs and the appointment of a new CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi. The company has also launched a new campaign, “180 Days of Change,” which aims to improve driver satisfaction and address their concerns.

The Future of Uber

Looking ahead, Uber faces significant challenges as it tries to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to new trends in transportation. One of the biggest challenges is the rise of autonomous vehicles, which could potentially make ride-hailing services obsolete. Uber has already invested heavily in self-driving cars and is working to develop its own autonomous technology.

Another challenge for Uber is the growing competition from other ride-hailing companies, such as Lyft and Didi. To stay competitive, Uber will need to continue to innovate and introduce new services that appeal to riders and drivers alike.


Uber’s case study is a complex one, with a mix of successes and controversies. While the company has transformed the transportation industry and made it more accessible to riders, it has also faced numerous challenges and criticisms. However, Uber’s response to those challenges shows that the company is committed to improving its policies and operations and staying ahead of the competition. With the rise of autonomous vehicles and other emerging technologies,

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